Why do companies need content marketing? Advantages of Content Marketing

Importance and Advantages of Content Marketing

When formulating marketing strategies, most companies will include content marketing. However, do you know why content marketing is important to companies? This article will summarize common questions and advantages of content marketing so that you can have a further understanding toward the importance of content marketing.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing attracts target audiences with interesting and valuable “content”, turning this group of people to your customers. Since your target audiences get answers to their problems by reading your content, they will gradually develop a good impression on your brand, and will give priority to your brand if they have shopping needs one day.

Advantages of content marketing:

1. Better branding

When readers learn something from your articles, it can enhance your company’s brand image, giving readers the impression that your company is professional.

2. Raise popularity

If readers regard your content as useful articles, they will share them with their friends. Through these sharings, you will gain more and more potential customers, which can improve the popularity of your brand.

3. Improve SEO

With well-formulated SEO strategies and high-quality content, your website traffic will gradually increase, improving the organic search ranking of your website.

4. Cut cost

With content marketing, companies don’t need to spend a lot on promotion. Companies only need to own an official website with suitable SEO setup and marketing strategies, readers will become your customers!

5. Increase sales

Since the content you provided is related to your products, these articles can help readers better understand your products and thus enhance their willingness to purchase.


Differences between content marketing and advertising:

1. Effort and time

Because it takes time to accumulate website traffic in the early stage of content marketing, it requires more effort and time than advertising.

2. User impression

When advertising, companies actively present the content to readers, which they do not necessarily want to receive. However, when using content marketing, this process is usually initiated by users. Therefore, content marketing can bring better impressions to users.

3. Promotion perspective

In advertising, companies take the lead to carry out promotion campaigns, while content marketing relies on your readers, who have the autonomy to share your articles and products with others.

4. Marketing effect

Although the short-term effect of advertising is significant, once companies stop advertising, the effect will drastically drop. However, since content marketing is aimed at building long-term brand loyalty, as long as your content is maintained in high quality, even if there are no new articles, existing articles still have the opportunity to be spread, and so the marketing effect is more sustainable.


How to start content marketing?

It is recommended to establish an official website as the first step, which can not only effectively organize the content, but also have a better understanding of the customers with website analysis tools.


How to own an official website?

Shu Ban provides a variety of web design services at low cost. You only need to tell us your needs, and we will help you design!


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